Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Why I like...

Time for college applications already? But you have no idea why you've done ANY of the things you've been doing for the past decade! Don't worry--here I provide some quick, meaningful catchphrases guaranteed to a) remind you that your life does, indeed, mean something; b) tell you what it means; and c) potentially unearth more meaning than you ever thought existed! (These are also worth practicing, in slightly altered verbalizations, for your imminent deluge of Ivy League interviews.)

I have always been a curious person. As a child, I quickly became fascinated by biology [or other organic science / computer science / mathematics], which has provided a rich foundation for [vague words useful for setting up award-dropping later on: discovery / learning / inspiration].
Inspired by my father's untiring devotion to his family, I realized that [hard work / sacrifice / dedication / strength of mind / etc.] are essential qualities in life.
Music has always been instrumental to my life. On the [piano / violin / cello / flute / choir bench], I have found a valuable outlet for my [emotions / creativity / other non-scientific characteristics].
My passion for [science / mathematics / music] was fueled when I won [list your first award here; this will immediately set off a cascade in which your other awards, and their attendant significances, will follow naturally].
My diverse cultural background has taught me much about [contemporary issue regarding race / people / the world].
Eager to explore my interests in [organic science / computer science / mathematics], I participated in a [semi-selective summer program / internship / volunteer position], where I gained additional tools for my aspirations to become a [doctor / engineer / scientist / successful businessman].
As president of my school [debate club / orchestra / science olympiad team / math team / computer club / Christian fellowship], I led a [list semi-mandatory outing, fundraiser, or teen dance of your choice] which showed me the value of [leadership / teamwork / applying one's talents to the community].
I stared hesitantly at the [steaming pot of pig's blood would be my choice, but you and I both know the possibilities are multifarious]. "Eat it before it gets cold," my mother said. It was then that I realized how [much my family had done for me / lucky a life I have led / I could never truly take part in my heritage, and would have to discover the true meaning of being American / my feet hurt from all the walking].
Over time, practicing traditional [performance art] has taught me the value of [leadership / teamwork / applying one's talents to the community].

Hope this helps! Don't worry--at times like this, it's best to glance at your resume: As the handsome array of hard-earned awards reveals, you've already had an incredibly rewarding life! And you've got many, many more rewarding years left before your parents will be willing to take their collective eye off you!

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